Marlboro Racing School was a blast. Many friends were made. I can only hope to see them again sometime. Thank you Marlboro for this once in a life time thrill and excitement. It was beyond my wildest dreams! (Sorry Patti stole this pic too!)
Oh and this one!
This one too!
Stole this pic...heheheh
Me on the Plane!
Ken on the Plane!
The plane The plane The Plane!
Oh No Crash is on my plane!
So Long Marty and Krista!
Some more than others...*clearing throat*
Colorado Springs Airport. We all must go...The fun just did not last long enough. We all have memories that we will never forget...
All I can say is "CRASH"
Looking good after a nite of wild life!
Breakfast before we leave to catch the plane.
How does that song go....something about the morning after?